Total raised for Charity


Students and staff came together to raise money through a range of activities throughout this school year. Thank you to everyone involved.


Student Leadership & Wellbeing Ambassadors


Student Council

Lead Teacher: Miss Nash

Bilton School's Student Council is made up of volunteer students who have submitted applications to be part of the school decision-making policy.  They are passionate about student voice and progressing the school, so all pupils feel a part of the community.

The Student Council meet at least once a half term to engage with any concerns raised by students and forward their student-led projects.

Projects, in addition to engaging with those from pupils, such as streamlining HAPs, include Comic Relief fundraising; Our Jay/Stride to Save Lives/Race for Life fundraising; school canteen projects and judging The Big Create.

For more information or to raise points for discussion please see Miss Nash.

Year Ambassadors

Lead Teacher: Miss Spencer

Meet: We meet three times per half-term (or more often if we are working on bigger projects!)

Overall Aims: As Year Ambassadors, we strive to create a purposeful, inclusive and supportive environment at Bilton. As a group, we are particularly passionate about charity and helping raise money for meaningful causes. As well as this, we are also passionate about anti-bullying, diversity and inclusion as well as promoting a respectful and kind school community.

Activities: Supporting charity initiatives such as Cake Sales (Guide Dogs/Macmillan), Christmas Shoeboxes and Rugby Foodbank. Leading on whole school events such as anti-bullying week and diversity week.

Year 11 Prefects

Lead Teacher: Mrs Cross/Mrs Loydall

Meet: We meet three times per half term (or more frequently if we have a lot going on!)

Overall Aims: The prefects at Bilton want to build a community that the whole school can be proud of. We aim to build links between year groups and showcase the best of Bilton. We have committees within the prefect team focusing on each of our school values (Respect, Resilience and Kindness) as well as a group focusing on building our community within school and the wider local community.

Activities: Peer Reading with year 7 students, Rugby Christmas Cracker Café, supporting whole school events such as open evening, supporting in person events such as progress evenings and school shows, leading on thematic projects for younger years, such as Holocaust Memorial Day. 

Sixth Form Leadership Team

Lead Teacher: Mrs Hanson

Meet: Every half term

Overall Aims: The Leadership Team in Sixth Form aim to support the whole school. The Leadership team is split into our Head Students who support with open evenings and whole school events. Our Kindness Ambassadors that aim to spread Joy around the school through, our Resilience Ambassadors and our Community Ambassadors who aim to support students throughout their secondary school journey.

Activities: Peer Reading with year 7 students, supporting whole school events such as open evening, supporting in person events such as progress evenings, supporting potential staff during interviews, tours of the school and supporting the lower school leadership teams with their events.



Wellbeing Ambassadors meet on a Tuesday morning in form time, led by Ms Ansell.

Our wellbeing team has representatives from each year group who work on initiatives to support their peer's mental health and wellbeing. 

They host games in the library on a Friday lunchtime.

 The team work on initiatives throughout the year to promote wellbeing with a key focus on being a RAKTIVIST (random acts of kindness activist)







HowtobeaStudentLeader-NewPoster (PDF)

If you are interested in joining one our leadership teams please click here to register your interest