All students throughout the key stages are introduced to Careers during their Character and Culture lessons. During this structured time, students can access the necessary information needed towards making their future pathway choices. Students participate in our own Character and Culture Education Programme, to develop the skills that will be sought after by employers in the future.
The career programme covers:
- Setting goals and career aspirations
- Personal career pathways and options
- Labour Market information
- Employability skills (including: CV’S, covering letters, applications, interviews)
- Character Development (including learning about self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence)
- World of work, Including the different Career Sectors and different organisation and how they work
- Equality Act, 2010 – protected characteristics, Inclusion in the workplace, the rights and responsibilities in the workplace
Students will also receive guidance from our career’s consultant, their tutors and as well as the career team, during their option choices, transition periods and throughout the key stages.
The school works closely with a range of external providers to ensure that students have access to a broad range of memorable experiences throughout their time at Bilton School. We also hold an annual summer careers fair and mark the national careers week to celebrate careers in the wider curriculum and beyond. Students have access to career pathway information through assemblies and talks and during open evenings and events.
Students have access to Grofar (career platform), to investigate and explore different career profiles, looking at the skills and qualifications required for their preferred career sectors.
All Year 10 and Year 12 will be offered the opportunity of completing a work experience either virtually or in person placement, either in term time or in summer holidays.
Sixth Form students have an introduction to applying for University and looking at alternative to Higher Education during the UCAS day in July each year. Bilton School invites in universities and local employers to discuss Post 16 options and support students with personal statement, applications and student finance. Students also have access to various different apprenticeship and careers fairs.
Students are supported by our Careers consultant, the careers team, as well as, Mrs Hanson (Head of 6th form).
The Head of Year 11 and Head of 6th form work closely with the school Careers Consultant. All students are offered the opportunity of at least one individual careers interview to receive impartial careers information advice and guidance. Students and or parents can request career interviews with Mr Stoddart. Our students who have special needs, are at risk or in need of specialised guidance will automatically be referred to Mr Stoddart.
Local apprenticeship and job opportunities are promoted on the Bilton twitter page and students’ blogs are regularly updated with the latest vacancies. Local college and training provider prospectus and open days are available from Mr Stoddart in the career’s office or Mrs Hanson in the 6th form centre.
Guidance - Higher and degree apprenticeships
Provides information for young people on the opportunities, progression and benefits of doing a higher or degree apprenticeship.