Warwickshire SENDIAS (Special Education Needs Information Advice and Support Services) supports parents and carers of all Warwickshire children with special educational needs and disabilities, from 0 - 25 years of age. It is a free, confidential and impartial service for parents and carers, children and young people up to 25 years. Warwickshire SENDIAS offers independent support for parents and families who have children and young people with a SEND. We also provide this independent advice directly to young peoples aged 16 to 25 years with a SEND.
How does the service work?
The type and range of support offered includes:
- Information regarding the local offer, local policy and SEN/disability law from independently trained staff;
- Advice for parents/carers, children and young people on gathering, understanding and interpreting information and applying it to their own situation;
- Personalisation of personal budgets;
- Information on the county council's processes for rehttps://www.warwickshiresendiass.co.uk/solving disagreements, its complaints procedures and means of redress;
- Signposting children, young people and parents to alternative and additional sources of local and national information, advice and support;
Find out more about our services - Here are some FAQ's
Who is the service for?
The service is for parents who have a child/children up to the age of 25 that has/have Special Educational Needs and young people aged 16-25 who have Special Educational Needs young people 16 and over can access the service in their own right or with the support of their parents.
For more information please visit
How much does it cost?
This service is free.
To speak to a member of our team please call 01788593159, alternatively you can e-mail warwickshiresendiass@barnardos.org.uk
Follow SENDIAS on social media:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WarwickshireSENDIAS/?locale=en_GB