Total raised for Charity


Students and staff came together to raise money through a range of activities throughout this school year. Thank you to everyone involved.


Contact us

For Enquiries please contact:

Main Reception Tel: 01788 840600

Bilton School,
Lawford Lane,
CV22 7JT


All information provided on this website is available as a paper copy.

If you would like paper copies of any of the documents published on our website please contact the school office on 01788 840600 

If your child is unable to attend school, please report the absence and reason via our classcharts app.
Please ensure you have the app installed and notifications enabled as we will communicate with you via the app if your child is not in school.
You are also able to email or call:
01788 840600
Press 1 for Attendance
Please leave a message if you are unable to speak to someone directly and continue to report each day of absence in the same way.


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First Name
Last Name
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First Name
Last Name
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If you have an urgent enquiry please call 01788 840600